Sunday, July 26, 2009

Christmas in July!!


I know it't still summer and (and 90 degrees), but it's time to start thinking about your fall sessions and, of course, those holiday cards. I've already started working on my designs for this year, and I think there are some really great ones!
Due to printing and mailing deadlines, I'm trying to get the majority of my clients done by November 1st.

To give everyone an extra incentive to book your sessions a little early, I'm offering a set of holiday cards (25) to anyone who books their session for August, September, or October. To qualify, you must book by July 31, 2009.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miss A: {sneak peek} │ Trussville Children’s Photographer

This is little Miss A, who just turned three. She is the cutest little girl, and I adore her red hair. She wasn't too sure about my camera to begin with, but she warmed up quickly. She was very excited to get to play on the bridge and see the water. We even saw a squirrel! We had to cut our session a little short because of the rain (and mosquitos), but we ended up with some really good shots. Here are just a few....




Thanks for looking!